e1 / The Frame:

Due: 6/09


Turn in work to the Dropbox on the Server:
Create a folder: lastname_e1
each image will correspond to the assigned categories:
lastname_1.jpg (if shooting in RAW, keep that format)
lastname_2.jpg (and so on for a total of 7 images)

Use a camera. Any camera. DSLR, point and shoot, cell phone. You must already know how to use it.
*If you do not have access to a camera, I will present to you a way to work on this exercise through the internet or by other methods.

Working within the "FRAME"

Your task is to capture images that satisfy the following categories:
1) Balance: The frame may be composed of 2 objects. These objects are of equal visual weight and positioned within the frame so that each side of the frame does not draw more attention than the other.
2) Rule of Thirds: The frame is divided into 3rds, delineated by grided lines. The subject or point of interest is positioned along one of the lines or at one of the line intersections.
3) Lines: S curve, parallel, converging, or intersecting. Choose 1 from this list.
4) Pattern
5) Texture
6) Scale: This has to do with Size. It can be small or large. How do we perceive size? Usually it is in relation to something else in our line of sight and functions as a unit of measurement. Objects are relative to each other and one will inform the other. You also might want to play with this concept and trick us by using a small object and making it seem large within the frame.
7) Color: Where the dominant subject in the frame is a color.
8) Class Choice: The class will choose a theme and everyone will shoot with that theme as inspiration.


Shoot as many images as you wish. I'm interested in 1 for each category (total of 8). I'm not concerned with the size of the actual digital image, nor the file format. For this exercise, shooting a JPG is perfectly fine.
I AM interested in your ability to shoot for the specific category, that the image is legible (we can see what the image is), and that you are able to DOWNLOAD the images so that you can present them to the class. Bring the camera / device to school with any cables that you might need to transfer the images and we'll experiment with downloading them in class. Or download them at home and transfer them to a USB and bring to class to look at on Tuesday.

*For Future Assignments in this class we will be using a DSLR camera and shooting in RAW. Please do not confuse this exercise for the standards and methods that I expect for the duration of the semester.